My Boy…
Warning: Long post ahead and
am all the way cribbing. Go grab a cup
of coffee, maybe a snack.
Iam just trying to compile a
lists if some basic boy truths ( p.s – have closely observed my 2.5 year old
son to arrive at these analysis )
Boys fart – Sounds funny !
Yes but my toddler learnt this at the very early stage..He farts and then claps
as if it’s the borderline of victory.
To a boy, if it has wheels
then it needs to be dragged around the house-
my boy picks up anything that remotely looks like car and pretends to
ride it from windows to walls to cupboards to bathroom ( oh yes, he takes the
car to the wash basin..gets them under the tap and after that the evilish
smiles at me saying that he is bathing them. He has been regularly using my
conditioner and shampoo to bathe his plastic animals and all the toys…I
remember he is almost emptied the ‘ foreign brand of conditioner ‘ I picked from Inorbit mall the other day
rubbing of the horse that he has which is black ( the poor guy is trying to
make it turn white ..maybe )
Every damn thing round is a
Ball – Imagine how dangerous it could be..he then cleverly picks it up and uses
it as his favorite ball.kick it wherever possible.
If it remotely looks like a
bat- Swung it high and hit it at anyone on earth who could be a hindrance to
his evilish thoughts of the day. Have received several of them this week
including the one I got yesterday with a wooden spatula.
If they can climb then the
obvious thing is to jump- The little one climbs every where and with a pause
tries to jump…God has been kind so far as we were around. Hope he doesn’t feel
the need to do it without our presence.
Dirt and Mud are the most favorite
things in his lists…wait forget to add, newspapers are equally good-
He licks the walls with the hope
to get some colored wall scrap to fall on him..and dirt irrespective of where
it is makes his day…He equally craves
for newspapers as if they taste
like his regular chips.
And the best of all activity
is Destruction—If you could arrange a pile of books or clothes neatly folded
would be messed up within a fraction of time. They have this edge over us in
terms of speed. The speed in which they attack is directly proportional to the
quantity of stock…More the stuff..More is the happiness to destruct.
My toddler strongly feel
that his mom isn’t working that hard..maybe that’s one reason..he climbs the kitchen
platform to grab all the possible utensils that are cleaned to dump it back to
the wash basin with a sweet note saying- Amma Siddhu is helping you with
utensils…Oh yes, cleaning the cleaned ones L
Have been spending a lot of
time with him in the play area where his friends ( majority being girls ) are obsessed
with me as I make up fancy stories for
them and they let loose their bicycle and other stuff to Siddhu.
There are some things that I
absolutely adore is the way he perceives things…The little one knows that his
mother is the only living being that can be hit without being hit back. Though
he regularly hits it out to me but admits that every minute that he loves me
the most.
Post Republic day paade, the little one has learnt that NaYendra Modi
is the prime minitsre and Pranab Mukherjee ( he gets the pronunciation right )
is the president and Obama is best friend of Modi ( how on earth has he assumed
this is still a question to me )..With his dad glued to the news channels the
moment TV is put on, the poor baby knows politicians more than the cartoon
character he and the kids of his age know.
With passing day, his love
for bicycles outpasses..He gets to the play area in search of his friends cycle
he could grab the moment they get busy with something else. He is showing
equally interest in cooking where the lad, opens up fridge and picks up raw
veggies that he could cook.
There has been numerous
rhymes he is chanting day in and day out but the favourite being the National
Anthem that he sings without interruption..He is also enjoying black coffee
that he
I give up…iam going for a
coffee break right away..
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